
Webinar Preparation and analysis of environmental samples  With a focus on the new Substitute Building Materials Ordinance

In environmental analysis, high demands are placed on sample preparation and analysis because the concentration of pollutants in, for example, soils, sludges, sediments or animal feed is usually low. Careful sample preparation and analysis is required to obtain accurate and reliable analytical results. The new Substitute Building Materials Ordinance also poses challenges for laboratories.

In three webinar blocks, the companies Retsch, CEM and Shimadzu offer a comprehensive presentation of reliable and efficient sample preparation and analysis. The focus will be on the reproducible homogenisation of laboratory samples, novel extraction technologies, digestion methods and the analytical methods GCMS, LCMS/MS and ICP-MS.

Registrazioni video dei webinar

Lingua : Tedesco

*** Nota bene: effettuare una registrazione separata per ogni giornata dei webinar days. ***

Tips and tricks for comminuting and homogenising samples for environmental analysis

In the first part of the webinar series, Retsch presents the importance of sample preparation for the subsequent analysis and shows ways to eliminate potential sources of error. Useful tips for selecting the appropriate comminution principle, the optimal accessories and the importance of correctly set parameters are presented.


Fast sample preparation for environmental analysis: Extraction and digestion easier and faster than ever before

CEM presents the new solvent extraction technologies in the EDGE and Mars 6 in theory and practice. Solvent extraction in the EDGE runs quickly in a few minutes, completely automatically, and consumes little solvent. Pressure digestions for elemental determination (e.g. ICP-OES) with the new MiniClave technology will be presented in detail. In addition to the theoretical basics and many application examples, the use of the devices will be demonstrated via live circuit from the CEM application laboratory and questions can be asked throughout the online seminar.

Soluzioni analitiche per il regolamento sui materiali da costruzione sostitutivi

L'attuale ordinanza sui materiali da costruzione sostitutivi pone i laboratori di fronte a nuove sfide analitiche. Abbiamo sviluppato un nuovo metodo per analizzare fenoli e clorofenoli in modo rapido ed efficace. Il metodo si basa sull'analisi GCMS e fornisce in modo affidabile i valori di carico dei singoli componenti. Presentiamo inoltre un pacchetto appositamente studiato per l'analisi dell'asfalto. In questo caso, l'analisi si concentra sugli idrocarburi poliaromatici (IPA). Con questo metodo, anche i laboratori meno esperti possono iniziare rapidamente a eseguire analisi affidabili degli IPA.


  • Why do samples have to be homogenised and what does representative mean?
  • How do different comminution principles affect different samples?
  • Application examples
  • Different RETSCH mills in action


  • Microwave digestion particularly fast in a few minutes
  • Solvent extraction with little solvent and small footprint
  • Simplest handling
  • Flexible choice of location thanks to the built-in exhaust air system


  • Ordinanza sui materiali da costruzione sostitutivi, cosa cambia per il laboratorio?
  • Che si tratti di eluato o di digestione in acqua regia, analisi completa dei metalli pesanti con ICP-MS
  • Addio all'indice di fenolo - e ora?
  • Determinazione individuale di fenoli e clorofenoli mediante GCMS
  • Presentazione dell'analizzatore PAH
  • Tempo per le domande

Presentato da:

Dr. Lena Weigold

Presentato da:

Ulf Sengutta

Presentato da:

Stephan Schröder
Nico Gilles 
Julian Elm

Registrazioni video dei webinar

Lingua : Tedesco